welcome to it


(lyv, nico and i working on a business project about uber)

thought it would be nice to start off with a few pictures from madrid, both because i’m really missing it and i think (know) that i was Not Great my first couple of months with the DSLR (a nikon d5300). the picture above is taken with an iphone, unsurprisingly. i love and miss coffee shop aesthetics.


(“first day”, a picture of delaney and lyv in el retiro on my first day in madrid)

i miss living in the city. it was and is still so surreal that i could take a bus, train, or bike to anywhere i wanted to go and do pretty much anything i wanted to do. i wish i had taken more advantage of it. i only went to el retiro three times! in my defense, it was about 40 minutes away from me on the train.


(some trees lining a path in el retiro during the fall)

my host mom told me fall colors didn’t show in madrid and no offense but i’m glad she was wrong.


(a very saturated picture of the sunset over plaza de españa from one of my friend’s apartments)


(lyv exploring on the first floor of the museo thyssen-bornemisza, appropriately wearing an oversized hat)


(the sunrise over madrid as i flew to paris)

take advantage of opportunities in front of you even if it means getting rained on and never sleeping.